So it’s been 2 years…

Sometimes the bravest thing to do is to step into the unknown and imagine things to be different.

5 Suggestions To Consider This Fall

Most parents, teachers and care providers are currently engaging with children in ways they never imagined. Let's keep things simple and flexible.

The Essential Qualities of Early Childhood Education

In early August, many educators are looking ahead to the day they greet students. For teachers, August has a particular feeling of importance; the return is a huge deal for everyone involved.

My View From Here.

Parenting decisions are numerous, and I continue to breathe through my own parenting decision making process. A process that began 21 years ago when I learned I was pregnant with my first child. 

Summer 2020.

Empty nesting is arriving, and that’s ok. I am practicing being entirely present in this moment with my sons. Enjoying my one last summer with all of us under the same roof for a few months. Together and happy.

Secure Attachment

Last week was Mother’s Day, which is still a challenging day even 34 years after her passing. I thank her for the presence and love she showed me throughout the early years of my life. I've thought and read a lot about secure attachment. It is something I care deeply about.

Ode To Preschoolers.

I was asked me the other day, “When do you think we’ll be able to hug again?” I automatically thought of my classroom of two and three-year-olds.

Fresh Air & Faith.

MARCH 2020: The Unthinkable. Last week was spent stocking, preparing, and asserting for my kids to come home.

Words That Help.

I needed time off to rest and digest. January and February were filled with life moments that came from left field. The kind that cause you to stop and dig deep.

Turns out I am not a superhero.

All these years, I thought I was a superhero mom. Recently, I realized that my superhero mom lifestyle was a facade...

Just one thing.

My friend was at home, recovering. I offered to bring groceries, or a perhaps a cooked meal. I inquired, what do you need? One word response: Time. Her pointed response stopped me: the one thing I couldn’t go and buy or cook and deliver.

No Shave November.

The month began with a spirited conversation with my 18-year-old son about his no shave November appearance. I inquired with an air of mom suspicion, “Remind me again, why are you not shaving?”

Love The Ordinary.

Make The Ordinary Come Alive - Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may seem admirable, but it is a way of foolishness.

September 23rd.

Today is my mother’s birthday. She would have been 73 years old. I think she probably liked Noam Chomsky, although I can’t say for sure.

The Practice of Teaching.

In late August, I returned to work. I teach two-year-olds. I wish I could report that I entered my sweet preschool with the pep of a high school cheerleader, but I can’t.


I returned home from a week long training on Infant and Toddler Development, the 0-3 years. We spent days discussing brain development, attunement, and attachment.

What slows you down?

Yesterday, I had a tooth extraction, so I spent the day moving very slowly. I read an article in Lion’s Roar about Maryland’s Poet Laureate Grace Cavalier, who shared the idea that reading and writing poetry can slow people down.

Tired of waiting.

My resume contains an accounting of my development as a professional, yet it is missing a few important details about who I am, really.